Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Warden sought by RSPB for its prestigious reserve at Dungeness in Kent

The reedbed at the Dungeness reserve - photo: RSPB

THE RSPB is looking for a warden for its reserve at Dungeness in Kent.

Says the job description: "You will conduct our annual monitoring, recording and reporting of or priority habitats and species, including Bittern, Marsh Harrier, Lapwing plus rare plants and invertebrates. 

"You will plan and deliver our habitat restoration and management work to improve these protected areas for nature."

Other duties include:

* Managing the team to ensure delivery of the site's work programme.

* Supporting  the development, delivery and reporting of externally funded projects.

* Ensuring the reserve is managed in accordance with best practice with respect to Health and Safety,, environmental management and legal compliance of conservation and land management laws.

* Procuring and supervise contractors to carry out work on site safely and legally.

Essential skills, knowledge and experience include:

* Wet grassland and reedbed management. 

* Relevant ecological knowledge.

* Relevant knowledge of compliance requirements (eg agricultural and environmental legislation with particular reference to grazing livestock).

* One-on-one and team management skills - proven track record of working within a multi-disciplinary team.

* Proven track record of practical habitat, estate and land management.

* Record keeping / data management and use of GIS software.

* Knowledge of servicing and maintaining vehicles, machinery, tools and equipment.

The salary is  £29,200 - £31,347 per annum.

For further information, contact: 

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