Tuesday, 4 March 2025

RSPB looking to appoint Black Grouse conservation officer, but he/she should have Welsh language skills


Black grouse - the species is thought to be struggling in Wales

THE RSPB is recruiting for a Black Grouse conservation officer with a brief to help safeguard the species in Wales.

Says the RSPB: "This is not a traditional reserve-based role - instead, the appointee will work alongside farmers, private landowners, stakeholders and the local community.

"The post requires resilience, understanding and engaging interpersonal skills to maximise conservation opportunities.

"There will also be a need to combine rigorous scientific monitoring with practical conservation delivery, applying expertise in uplands ecology and ornithology while building strong, trust-based relationships."

Candidates for the position, which is based in Llangollen, North-East Wales, should also have Welsh language skills.

The salary is between £30,940 and £33,2153, but it should be noted that the position will end in March next year.

The closing date for applications is Monday March 17 with interviews on March25.

More information from:   anya.wicikowski@rspb.org.uk


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