Friday 23 August 2024

RSPB says 'violent and racist targeting' is causing non-white staff and volunteers to 'fear for their safety'


The RSPB commissioned this picture to demonstrate its diversity credentials. (Anyone know why the man on the right has a bandaged left forearm and hand?)

THE RSPB has thrown its voice into the national conversation over the rioting that occurred in a few UK towns and cities earlier this month.

Although it has not provided any specific incidents, it says some of its staff and volunteers  have been made fearful by racial hostility.

In a statement, the country's largest charity says: "The violent and racist targeting of people of colour, Muslim and migrant communities - including RSPB staff and volunteers - is causing many people to fear for their safety.

"We  strongly condemn this."

The statement continues: "Our vision is to be an inclusive, diverse, and equitable organisation. 

"This cannot be achieved without all people and all communities.

"It is vital to the RSPB  cause - that of saving nature - that everyone feels welcome and safe through the work that we do, whether that is in person or online. 

"We must stand together against any form of violence."

The society now has its own dedicated 'equality, diversity and inclusion' unit team.

Earlier this year, it sought to recruit a specialist individual with a  brief  to "co-ordinate and support organisational-wide race equity workstreams and specialist projects." (Anyone know what that means?)

The Wryneck says: Although many people in Britain have concerns about illegal immigration, very few are racist. And, if they are, their attitudes are not going to be changed by anything the RSPB says or does. We think the organisation has gone overboard on its ever-escalating and extremely costly 'equality and diversity' campaign. So much so that some of its ethnic minority staff and members might even have come to feel resentful about so overtly being patronised. The RSPB's focus should surely be on  protecting birds - not on virtue-signalling and showcasing its self-righteousness.

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