Tuesday, 28 January 2025

'Save Our Slavonian Grebes' project officer (and assistant) sought by RSPB in Scotland


Slavonian grebes in winter plumage - these birds were photographed on the lake in Cleethorpes country park in North East  Lincolnshire

THE RSPB is on the look-out for a project officer to oversee the interests of one of Scotland's rarest birds - the Slavonian Grebe.

The post carries a salary of  £32,022 - £34,377 per annum and runs until the end of March next year.

Says the job description: "Significant population declines in recent years mean that the Slavonian Grebe is now one of our rarest breeding birds in Scotland. 

"This dynamic role offers an opportunity to advance Slavonian Grebe conservation, focusing on its core breeding range around Inverness. 

"The post will lead on developing a delivery phase project to implement solutions at breeding lochs while building partnerships with key stakeholders." 

It continues: "The development project will involve the creation of a cross-organisation Slavonian Grebe steering group and developing working relationships with landowners, angling associations and recreational groups.  

"The role will manage a project assistant and volunteers and be responsible for hiring and supervising contractors. 

"The actions for the team will include establishing data on habitat condition, predation pressure, fish presence and recreational disturbance on breeding lochs through a combination of direct fieldwork and information gathering.

"In addition, conservation interventions such as the use of sedge bed buffers will be tested.

"Information gathered will be used to develop a delivery phase plan, including fully costed management measures for lochs to be agreed with landowners and any required consents secured."

Also being sought is a project assistant on a salary of  £24,890 - £26,720.

The closing date for applications is February 17.

More details about both vacancies from: alison.phillip@rspb.org.uk


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